Saturday, April 7, 2012

VisDev HW: Add a Character to an Existing Movie

In addition to the protagonists in How to Train Your Dragon, the character Cale (Kal-ee) is the intermediate between the human characters and the natural world (dragons, etc.).She is identified with the Pict people (also known as Caledonians) who eventually merged with the Gaels.

Cale represents the wildness of nature, and is often the fodder for local legends of witches, wild-peoples, and element spirits, especially wooded and elusive. She has a lost-her-mind-on-acid charm, and, although very rarely displayed and long-fused, a vicious and retributive temper. These characteristics have earned her a wide variety of popular opinion in “civilized” society, ranging from ironclad scorn from the older elite to unsubdued infatuation by young men and women.

As a foil to Hiccup, Cale helps to sway the people of the village to his way of thinking.She does this by subtle and covert events, some with Hiccup’s knowledge aforehand, and some even at his seeming expense, but ultimately for the good of the relationship between the two species.

Also, here she is in the role of Pictish Princess of the Woods:

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