Saturday, December 10, 2011

One Last Unofficial Extra Credit Attempt: Lunar Eclipse Dec 10, 2011

Here are some some pics of the lunar eclipse this morning:

This one was about 5:52 am.

About 6:00

Around 6:05

This one I took with the "Vivid Color" setting on the camera. It didn't look nearly that red, at least from where I was, but it makes for a cool picture.

As it got lighter out some clouds and fog started to form and blocked the moon from view, so I wasn't able to see the sun and the moon at the same time, plus it was cold and I was tired.

Thanks again for the class Prof. Kaufman!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mini Portfolio

Here is a kite punishing the wind.

I have two younger brothers. If I didn't do illustration I would have become an entomologist. I don't know if I'm allergic to strawberries or what, but I can't eat them. I'm not allergic to tomatoes or mushrooms though, but I still won't eat them either. Lenny Hung always reminds me that I tolerate heat pretty well, or at least I used to.
I flew this kite higher than your mind can imagine the thought of it, before it plunged into the marsh, was retrieved and given a proper wake.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The First Post

My name is Richard Watson and I am an Illustration major at San Jose State. Over the summer I made paint by corroding copper sheets with saltwater and vinegar and then scraping off the verdigris and mixing it with linseed oil.