Friday, April 13, 2012

A garlic was growing inside of a black cup in our kitchen between the toaster oven and the fruit, so I planted it in some dirt that already had a bucket around it.  Reckless and headstrong, tonight it nibbled at its own cornucopia as it was sustained by the storm and invigorated by the lightning.  The garlic doesn't know how lucky she is.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Seventh Seal

My favorite quotes from The Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman):

Artist: “A skull is almost more interesting than a naked woman.”


“He said nothing.”

“Was he a mute?”

“No, milord. He was very eloquent, but what he said was very depressing”.


“Give me some gin. I’ve had nothing but water today.”


“…moaning like a rabbit drowning in piss.”


And at the very end:

"Mia! I see them, Mia! I see them! Over there against the stormy sky. They are all there. The smith and Lisa, the knight, Raval, Jöns, and Skat. And the strict master Death bids them dance. He wants them to hold hands and to tread the dance in a long line. At the head goes the strict master with the scythe and hourglass. But the Fool brings up the rear with his lute. They move away from the dawn in a solemn dance away towards the dark lands while the rain cleanses their cheeks of the salt from their bitter tears."

1) Opening scene

2) Death's beach

3) Death

4) Death chooses his chess piece

5) Antonius' confession to Death

6) The child martyr

7) Town

8) When Death is coming for them, the fabric Antonius sits in front of at the table resembles bat wings. It's a menacing scene, but Antonius is not a menacing character. It feels stupid to say it's accidental; I'm sure nothing was overlooked making this film.

9) Several times in the movie, Death is seen as a light from above. This is just before the final reaping, a light shining from a window; the window mimics the silhouette of Death's head, with the final fire of life burning.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Graph: Bits Over Resolution In A Photoshop File

This graph gives how many MB are used for a Photoshop file depending on your resolution. Bits (in MB up to 1G) are on the left, the resolution is on the bottom from 1 to 300 pixels per inch.

The connected lines track same size documents (in inches squared) in 5" increments (10" square; 15" square; 20" square, etc).

At 300 PPI a 66.75" square would be 1.12 G.
At 200 PPI a 100" square would be the same.
At 100 PPI it would take a 200" square to reach 1.12G.
At 50 PPI, predictably 400" square.
At 1 PPI you could make a picture 20,000" square for only 1.12G.

At 300 PPI a 2"x2" document is about a MB.
At 50, a 15"X15" document is about a MB.
At 1 PPI a 1000"x1000" document is about 3 MB.

Here Is This Thing Too

Last Year's Milk

Here is my first ever Photoshop painting, which is not amazing, but which I like because of its ghostly charm.

The ghost of milk is the dry heaves, but its mother is a teat, whose ghost is also a teat.

Reindeer From Last Year

Here is Caribou, who loves Amanitas Muscaria, but hey, what Caribou doesn't?

He harvests and sells what he is unable to consume from a sled that converts into an impromptu storefront:

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A message

within a message

VisDev HW: Add a Character to an Existing Movie

In addition to the protagonists in How to Train Your Dragon, the character Cale (Kal-ee) is the intermediate between the human characters and the natural world (dragons, etc.).She is identified with the Pict people (also known as Caledonians) who eventually merged with the Gaels.

Cale represents the wildness of nature, and is often the fodder for local legends of witches, wild-peoples, and element spirits, especially wooded and elusive. She has a lost-her-mind-on-acid charm, and, although very rarely displayed and long-fused, a vicious and retributive temper. These characteristics have earned her a wide variety of popular opinion in “civilized” society, ranging from ironclad scorn from the older elite to unsubdued infatuation by young men and women.

As a foil to Hiccup, Cale helps to sway the people of the village to his way of thinking.She does this by subtle and covert events, some with Hiccup’s knowledge aforehand, and some even at his seeming expense, but ultimately for the good of the relationship between the two species.

Also, here she is in the role of Pictish Princess of the Woods:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Back when I was thinking about costumes.
The latter two are part of the ScreenFlow Demo Sessions